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How To Use A Super Keyword In Java

How To Use A Super Keyword In Java


Java has made many improvements in its programming language and some of them are now available in the Java language itself. For example, in the past, a programmer used to use the name of the parent class to refer to all object objects, but with the introduction of Java 1.5, that concept has been eliminated by the inclusion of the keyword super. The super keyword is used to refer to the immediate parent class object.

So, what are the benefits of the super keyword when it comes to writing code for the Java programming language?

Simple Variable Declaration

One of the most important benefits of using the super keyword is that variable declarations are much easier to write when it comes to using the super keyword.

How to use a super keyword in Java

The super keyword has two variants in Java and these variants refer to immediate child class objects.

This code should be read very carefully.

Java Super Keyword and Java Super Class Name Example:

package MyEnumerableJavaSqlTable; public class SuperTblTable { private static int myKey(); public static final int STBL(this int key) { return (STBL(this) * 4); } @Override public int[] arrayToObjects(int key) { SuperTblTable myTbl = new SuperTblTable(myKey, STBL); return myTbl.arrayToObjects(key); } }

When using the super keyword in Java we are referring to the immediate child class object.

We have used the SuperTblTable class in the snippet above.

The super Keyword

Also, Read

This syntax is used to refer to immediate parent class object within the class definition which is created within the Superclass constructor.

If you have a List<K> type then you can refer to it directly from the class definition as K

List.foreach(() -> System.out.println("Name: "+K.getClass());

The keywords

First of all, I want to mention that there is no single class definition that the super keyword is used in. This means that there are multiple steps within the code.

To start with we must have an object which is a reference variable of some type, The super keyword is used to refer to the immediate parent class object within the class definition.

Using the Super Keyword to Referencing Parent Class Object

Step 1

First, open the file java/io/ and add the code as shown below:

import*; public class PrintStream { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4060034350; static final int REQUEST_METHOD = REQUEST_METHOD_SUPER_VARIABLE; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { final long serialVersionUID = REQUEST_METHOD_SUPER_VARIABLE; System.out.println(;); } }

Step 2

Copy and paste this code into the project called gradle_samples/classes/payload. Gradle file.

Step 3

Add the generated class to your project by following the steps given in this link.

Today we are going to learn - Super Keyword in Java. Super keyword in Java is a reference variable, used to refer to an immediate parent class object. The topics we are going to learn in today's session are: What is a super keyword in Java? Using Super with Variables, Using Super with Methods, and Using Super with Constructors So let's start today without wasting time.

The first question that arises is what is a super keyword in Java?

The super keyword refers to a superclass that is a parent class item. It is used to call superclass methods and access the superclass constructor. The most common use of super keywords is to eliminate confusion between superclass and subclass that have methods with the same name.

To understand super keywords, one must have a basic understanding of inheritance and polymorphism. Super is mainly used in contexts such as super keyword with variables, a super keyword with methods, and super keyword with constructors. Let's look at each of them.

The first is - use super with variables: -

This scenario occurs when a derivative class and a base class have the same data members. In that case, there is a possibility of ambiguity for JVM. We can understand this more clearly using this code snippet: In the example above, the member has a maximum speed in both the base class and subclass. We can get the maximum speed of the base class in the subclass using the super keyword.

The second is - super use with methods:

This is used when we want to call the parent class method. So we use super keywords to solve ambiguity whenever parents and child class have the same-named methods. This code helps to understand the stated use of snippet super keywords. In the example above, we have seen that if we call only the message (), the current class message () is requested but with the use of super keywords, the method message () of the superclass can also be requested.

The third is the use of constructors with super:

Super keywords can also be used to access parent class constructors. One more important thing is that depending on the super situation can call both parametric as well as nonparametric constructors. The code snippet to illustrate the above concept is as follows: In the above example, we have called a superclass constructor by the subclass constructor using the keyword 'super'.

We will now look at some important points to remember:

A Call to Super () Derived (Student) Class Constructor should have the first statement. If a constructor does not explicitly request a superclass constructor, the Java compiler automatically makes a call to the superclass no-argument constructor. If the superclass does not have a no-argument constructor, you will get a compile-time error. Object objects have such constructors, so if Ob objects are the only superclass, no problem.

If a subclass constructor invites its superclass constructor, either explicitly or explicitly, you might think that the whole chain of constructors would return to the constructor of the called budget. This, in fact, is the case. This is called Constructor Chaining.

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