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Internet defends a woman who openly said 'I'm fat and I'm happy'

Internet defends a woman who openly said 'I'm fat and I'm happy'

The woman who openly told the world that she’s fat and happy has received tons of backlash, but there are plenty of people out there who are standing up for her right to choose how she wants to live her life. Here are some ways the internet is defending this woman and telling haters to back off!

'You look great. We're all people. Learn to love yourself,'

Some people believed that Justin Schmidt was a troll, but it turns out he was just trying to spread some positivity on social media. Not only has he now joined forces with a group of twins named Sean and Seen, but they are all part of a Facebook group called Fat People Against Body Shaming. At first, Sean and Seen were worried about negative feedback from body-shamers because of their involvement in such an inclusive group. However, when most of their Facebook friends started defending them as well, they began getting more involved with social justice issues related to fat-shaming on social media. It’s definitely inspiring to see how support for body positivity is spreading to all different corners of social media—from Twitter to Instagram!

Others talked about how they were able to accept their own bodies because of her message

How can anybody be so hateful, spiteful & downright mean? So glad we have positive people like [you] in our world, wrote one person. At least she’s confident with herself. And that’s all that really matters. Others argued for people to love themselves unconditionally: If you don’t accept yourself fully, how can you expect others to? We are not meant to fit into tiny boxes.

 Some people, however, turned on Miller herself: How do you have time to even care what people think of you? I hope your beautiful twins don’t follow in your footsteps and just love themselves regardless. A different person added: This is why there are so many unhappy kids these days. They idolize these types of ‘people’ for no reason whatsoever because of looks and influence their poor mindset about everything else. They base everything on someone's looks rather than personality. Those with a healthy mindset do not place themselves based on that criteria.

Some made jokes about how she was brave

Courage comes in all shapes and sizes, one person tweeted. And others thought that she was inspiring: This lady is so cute with a smiley face emoji, another user wrote. The tweet also gained more than 10,000 likes.

Others were genuinely moved by her words

Good for her. Good for them. People are beautiful, no matter what size they are. Twins Named Sean And Seen Debate Naming Twin Brother Martin In Internet Backlash (But Not Online) - BuzzOutsource Coded with color: You'll find gold in that there mountain if you dig long enough! Read all about it in Still Life With Woodpecker. Enjoy your weekend! #ColorCodingTwins #LeaveYourMark ...and names were named: In another twin naming story you can't makeup, twin brothers named Sean Nelson and Seen Onyon found themselves at odds over whether to name their twin brother Martin or Marcus. The story quickly went viral and drew responses from social media users far and wide.

The internet defends a woman who openly said that the colleague’s twins’ names were ‘idiotic’

Picture left, black twin. Picture right, white twin. Internet backs a man with twins named Sean and Seen, not Denise and Denise. I’m fat and I’m happy: Beautiful babes are held to a different standard than us ‘curvy women’. The Curvy Girl Lingerie boss has hit back at negativity about her figure on social media. The curvy blogger writes a defiant response to trolls about being fat: There is more than one way for a person of size to be healthy—and it's not by striving for weight loss at all costs! One blogger wrote an open letter to Facebook trolls - after getting comments slamming her healthy-looking appearance.

મોબાઈલથી પણ નાનું એસી માર્કેટમાં આવી ગયું છે જે કપડામાં ફિટ થશે અને કાળઝાળ ગરમીથી છુટકારો મળશે.

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