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Wisdom Teeth Stitches and Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Stitches and Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you’ve just had your wisdom teeth removed, you might be wondering if your wisdom teeth stitches dissolve on their own or if you’ll need to get them removed by the dentist. This article addresses that and other questions around the topic of wisdom teeth stitches and wisdom teeth removal.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars. They’re not really wisdom at all—just teeth. Third molars usually come in during late adolescence, which is why they’re sometimes called teenage teeth. About half of people have them; half don’t.

How does getting your wisdom teeth removed affect your appearance?

If you’re going to get your wisdom teeth removed, consider how it will affect your appearance. Although some people get their wisdom teeth removed early in life, wisdom teeth removal is not always necessary. As most people grow older, their jaws shrink, making room for their wisdom teeth to come incorrectly.

Does my health insurance cover the cost of removing my wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth removal is a fairly common procedure, but it can cost up to $1,500. If you have health insurance that covers dental procedures, there’s no need to worry about high costs. Most plans provide partial or complete coverage for wisdom teeth removal, which means your medical plan may pay for all or part of your treatment. Before undergoing wisdom teeth surgery, find out if your dentist will submit a claim on your behalf so you can avoid hefty costs upfront.

What are some ways to get rid of my stitches after surgery?

The first step to getting rid of your stitches is identifying whether or not you even have stitches. Usually, doctors will stitch around each tooth after removal. If your doctor has already removed your wisdom teeth, there are several things you can do to help make your recovery go as smoothly as possible—which include removing wisdom teeth stitches that remain in place.

What can I expect on my first visit?

The process of removing wisdom teeth can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. For first-time wisdom teeth removal, most doctors will prescribe antibiotics, oral painkillers (like ibuprofen), and an anti-inflammatory drug like aspirin or Motrin. While it’s normal to be anxious about going under anesthesia, you can rest assured that as long as you keep all of your dental appointments—and follow your doctor’s orders—your wisdom teeth will come out just fine.

Can you numb me completely with medicine so I won’t feel any pain during the removal process?

Absolutely. If you’re extremely sensitive to pain, we recommend that you take an over-the-counter pain reliever before your wisdom teeth are removed. If these fail to help, please let us know.

We can use a topical numbing agent that will completely numb your mouth for about 45 minutes before we start any procedures. This is typically enough time for us to remove all four wisdom teeth in one visit.

Does everyone experience the same level of discomfort after getting their wisdom teeth out?

Even if you don’t have wisdom teeth, it’s important to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Removing wisdom teeth is a common procedure for those with overcrowded or crooked teeth. This process can help improve your oral health, but it can also cause some discomfort. Depending on how many wisdom teeth you have removed, as well as other factors like your oral health history, you may experience swelling in your face or ears after getting surgery.

Do I need to stay overnight in the hospital after having my wisdom teeth removed?

If you have a lot of tissue removed during wisdom teeth surgery, or if you have complications following your procedure, you may need to stay in the hospital overnight. The vast majority of wisdom teeth removals can be performed on an outpatient basis.

If you would like to spend time with family or friends instead of having them watch over you at a hospital, then talk to your dentist about other ways to care for yourself after your wisdom teeth are out. Most wisdom tooth extractions require only over-the-counter pain medication.

Will I still be able to chew on the opposite side if all four of my wisdom teeth are extracted at once?

Yes, you will still be able to chew food on either side of your mouth after wisdom teeth extraction. If you have four wisdom teeth removed at once, there may be a few days of slightly tender jaws and extra soreness when chewing on one side, but most patients say they are back to normal in two or three days with no noticeable difference in their ability to chew.

Are there risks associated with having your wisdom teeth removed, such as infections or other complications, etc.?

Yes, some people have reported complications after having their wisdom teeth removed. Infections can be a concern for wisdom teeth removal, but there are ways to mitigate risk by taking care of your recovery. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully in order to avoid infection from developing.


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TAG:- wisdom teeth stitches, do wisdom teeth stitches dissolve when do wisdom teeth stitches dissolve, wisdom teeth stitches came out, wisdom teeth stitches removal, removal of wisdom teeth stitches, removing wisdom teeth stitches, wisdom teeth stitches infected

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