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best caller name announcer app for android

Features of Caller Name Announcer Apps

Caller Name Announcer Apps: Caller Name Announcer App is an application that tells the name of the person who has called on your mobile. By using this app, when you are busy in driving or doing necessary work, this app will tell you the name of that person when there is a necessary call or message.

caller name announcer app

Caller Name Announcer Apps

Post Name- Caller Name Announcer Apps

Post Type- Mobile App

Use- android mobile

Recently, a new feature has been added by this company in which WhatsApp messages can also be read. The caller name announcer app is very useful when you are busy with work and cannot pick up someone's phone and when an important call is coming. If a phone or WhatsApp message or sms comes, the sender or the caller will say the name of the person.

Features of the Apps

Speaking announcements can quickly turn off the system if you are not in a good place to hear them.

The app is designed for when users are driving or doing something important and when they cannot accept an incoming call or text message. The application is also designed for blind and/or visually impaired users, who are physically limited to interacting with the screen.

That's why a caller announcement solution is important: identify who's calling you without ever touching the phone, using our Speak Alert system.

Technique clarification

The size of this app is 10MB. However, once installed, it takes up to 40MB to 50MB of space on the phone. The app has received over 5 million downloads so far. App 5.1 supports all operating systems and above. The app has a 4.3-star rating. As the creator of the top caller identification tool for SMS and calls, we understand that it is not easy to find a call announcer app that is both free and powerful at the same time.

Our Android SMS announcer feature announces the name of the person who sent you the text message. Similar to our call announcer function, our SMS announcer is also connected to our phone database and is able to identify unknown numbers that send you SMS.

Procedure to use

First of all, install Caller Name Announcer Pro app on your smartphone. It is free for Android users on the Google Play Store. When you first open the app, allow the requested permissions.

Then you now have to do the speech test of the app. Click on the Speech Test button. A sound will be heard followed by a test success message. He has to say yes. Now you will see many options including call, audio, sms, and WhatsApp in the main window.

Go and check all these options. Go to audio settings and set the speech rate, pitch, and volume. You cannot change some settings. You can also choose how often you want to hear the caller's name in the call settings. The same can be said for SMS. You have to give some special access in WhatsApp settings. After doing OK, a WhatsApp message notification will start.

Click here to download this application.

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